- Any number of products can be set up in a hierarchical structure. Products can be specific or generalized depending on your business to keep your product book manageable, or for advanced product reporting.
- Products can be linked to user-defined pricing tables.
- Products can be marked as discontinued, along with the superseding product.
- Track by weight, pieces (or both), or by other measures, such as linear feet, square feet, etc.
- The system allows for the specification of a default-ordering unit (weight, pieces, or others) for each product.
- Product shapes (such as coil, plate, pipe, etc.) are user definable. Each shape can have up to ten user-defined dimensions.
- Multiple allowable size ranges can be set for any product to validate order entry.
- Multiple allowable standards and grades can be specified for any product.
- Any number of standardization systems may be included, such as ASTM, AISI or SAE, along with internal and customer specific standards,
- Each standardization system can include any number of user-definable standards,
- Standards can refer to other standards, which
- Query sales and profitability by product during a given time period using advanced Business Intelligence tools. Drill down from general product categories to specific products, then to customers and even individual sales order items.
- The system provides the ability to define the set of dimensions that are to be specified for each possible shape.
- Allows for a default value type and tolerance type to be specified for each dimension. The value and tolerance types specified at this level, for each dimension, are presumably the types used most frequently for that dimension.
- Ability to define the allowable dimensions for each product.
- Allows for the definition of a master table of defect codes.
- The system provides the ability to define hierarchical product structures.
- Each product definition includes the following information as required:
- The parent product,
- The shape of the product,
- A list of standards that are supported for this product,
- A list of grades that are suppor ted, within each standard,
- A list of proper ties (other than a shape attribute),
- A flag indicating whether this product is sold or not.
- Any of this information (listed above) defined at a higher level in the hierarchy will flow down to the lower levels in the hierarchy.
- Ability to associate a dimension table to each product.
- Ability to associate a possibly different dimension table to each product, standard, and grade combination.
- For each product, the system allows for the specification of a list of processes that must be per formed to produce that product.
- Provides the ability to flag a product as being discontinued.
- The system allows for the specification of a superseding product (i.e., a way to indicate that a product has been replaced by another one).
- When a product is marked as having been superseded by another product, the system is flag the superseded product as “discontinued” are also applied to a sales order that references the “root” standard.
- Products can be further described using user- defined proper ties with customizable lists-of-values.
- Standard processing steps for manufactured products can be set-up.